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COVID-19 Information

25 Aug 2020

Passenger Locator Form

If you are arriving into Ireland you need to complete the 'COVID-19 Passenger Locator Form' in advance of arriving into the State.

The information you provide may be used to contact you in the next 14 days to verify the details given on this form and to provide you with public health advice. This form may also be used for the purposes of contact tracing in relation to confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19.

You are not required to complete a COVID-19 Passenger Locator Form if you are an essential supply chain worker (that is, air and ship crew and hauliers) or if you are an accredited diplomat.

If you are travelling onwards to Northern Ireland, you will have to fill out a portion of the form.

If you are arriving into Ireland on or before 25th August, you are must complete a downloadable COVID-19 Passenger Locator Form and present this to relevant authorities on arrival into the State.

More information on the COVID-19 Passenger Locator Form can be found on

Service Information

Services to and from Rosslare Europort are continuing to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic. A reduced service schedule is being operated by some shipping companies until further notice. For the full list of services operating from Rosslare Europort, please see our Shipping Services section which includes links to shipping websites.

In order to keep the supply lines open and to support the country’s efforts in tackling COVID-19, our staff are focused on delivering shipping services and maintaining our terminal facilities. We ask all customers ,to adhere to the HSE's guidelines on social distancing both in the terminal and onboard the ship and to wash your hands regularly. 

We are cleaning our terminal facilities in line with advice received by our health authorities, and we are focusing on areas like toilets, passenger check-in, and other areas customers and staff.

We also want to ask you for your support - you can help us to support the health authorities’ goal of flattening the curve of the spread of COVID-19 by:

  • Considering if your journey is necessary - this helps to limit social interaction as our health authority experts have recommended, and facilitates greater social distancing on board. Remote working is in place in many workplaces, including our own administrative functions
  • Maintaining social distancing with other customers and staff: numbers travelling have reduced dramatically which is enabling customers to maintain social distancing, 
  • Following the hygiene advice of the health authorities, particularly in relation to hand washing, and coughing or sneezing into a tissue or elbow
  • Reducing cash handling between customers and staff: please pay using a debit or credit card and book online with the relevant ferry company, where possible 

Information from the HSE on COVID-19

The health and safety of  our customers and employees is paramount and we are following all public health instructions that are issued by the HSE. We would ask that everyone follows the latest HSE advice and Department of Health guidance at all times.

Click here to open 'Coronavirus COVID-19 Public Health Advice' in a PDF version.