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XELLZ acquires additional 100.000sqm of land to develop a Free Zone at Rosslare Europort

13 Jul 2020

Dutch logistics company XELLZ has acquired 100.000sqm of land to add to its existing 200.000sqm already secured at the port of Rosslare, Ireland. The decision to obtain this new land has also progressed plans to create a Free Zone at Rosslare Europort and the Europort Business Park (EBP).

Following last week’s announcement by Iarnród Éireann that Rosslare Europort is to undergo a major transformation with a €30m investment, XELLZintends to secure the port’s position as a competitive offshore wind hub by developing a Free Zone.

Free Zones are secured customs areas within the European Union where non-Union goods can be introduced free of import duties, charges (i.e. taxes) and commercial policy measures. These goods may, following time in the Free Zones, be released to the domestic market (subject to payment of import duties and other charges).

Mr. Phonsey Croke, Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) of 24shore Ireland , says, “This gives companies who locate in the Rosslare Europort Business Park Free Zone (EBP-FZ) the ability to operate and install offshore wind farms (OWF) in a cost effective and competitive manner. There are many OWF’s to be installed and operated in Ireland, UK, and across the continent and having a Free Zone will help ease the flow of goods and keep projects moving.”

Through its offshore services subsidiary 24shore SBS (Supply Base Services) and XELLZ Ireland, XELLZ will establish an offshore wind supply base to serve and support future offshore wind farms, bringing new energy to the region. The EBP will become a hive of activity where businesses directly related to the upcoming Offshore Wind Farms (OWF's) can establish themselves.

The EBP offers ample storage and assembly areas to manage the wind turbines, transition pieces and mobilisation equipment. There will be areas for companies providing maintenance, operational, and repair services to this budding renewable energy market. The space will also house a new training facility for the renewable industry where young potentials (YP) can undertake professional training for the offshore wind energy industry.

Mr. Finbarr Cleary, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), XELLZ Ireland Ltd. says, “We are committed to making the Rosslare development a national success story. The support we have received from the wider community, industry associations, local and national government and independent agencies has been really encouraging. The South-East of Ireland is set to become an area of international commercial activity as well as an Operations & Maintenance Centre of Excellence (O&MCOE) for many industries.”

Rosslare Europort is to undergo a major transformation as part of its port masterplan. The plan will see over €30 million invested by port authority Iarnród Éireann over the next five years. It will ensure that Rosslare will be equipped with the capacity, facilities, and technology to facilitate major growth for the benefit of the South-East region and the wider Irish economy.